🇪🇸 Vital Spanish Vocabulary for Environment and Nature Lovers

🇪🇸 Vital Spanish Vocabulary for Environment and Nature Lovers

Uncover the Secrets of the Natural World in Easy Spanish 🐞🌿🌎

Jan Sovis's photo

6 min read

Our beginner-friendly lesson is designed to introduce you to the essential vocabulary that will help you discuss and appreciate the natural world in Spanish-speaking contexts. Whether you're discussing climate change, exploring national parks, or simply admiring the beauty of a landscape, these words will enhance your ability to engage in meaningful dialogues.

📘 Topics Covered

  • 🌎 The Great Outdoors: Explore words like "the mountain" (la montaña), "the forest" (el bosque), and "the beach" (la playa). Discuss your adventures in "the park" (el parque) or your hike through "the valley" (el valle).

  • 🌦 Weather and Seasons: Chat about "the sun" (el sol) in "the summer" (el verano), "the rain" (llover) in "the spring" (la primavera), and the beauty of "the snow" (la nieve) in "the winter" (el invierno).

  • 🐞 Flora and Fauna: Dive into conversations about "the tree" (el árbol), "the flower" (la flor), "the bird" (el pájaro), and "the animal" (el animal) species. Share your thoughts on environmental protection and "the pollution" (la contaminación).

🎧 Why Listen to Our Audio Course?

Polyglotic's audio course uses AI-powered voices, so that you can feel like you're learning from a native speaker. Each term is presented in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, with practical examples to illustrate their use. This approach is perfect for beginners and those who are passionate about nature and environmental conservation.


This lesson has 3 parts in all, and you'll find the second part right here.

Vocabulary list

You can discover vocabulary for the second part of the lesson here.

English word & example sentenceSpanish word & example sentence
forest – The forest is home to many animals.el bosque – El bosque es hogar de muchos animales.
frog – A frog jumped into the pond.la rana – Una rana saltó al estanque.
garbage – Please take out the garbage.la basura – Por favor, saca la basura.
garden – She enjoyed spending time in her beautiful garden.el jardín – Le gustaba pasar tiempo en su hermoso jardín.
grass – They sat on the grass in the park.la hierba – Se sentaron en la hierba en el parque.
ground – The ground was wet and muddy after the rain.el suelo – El suelo estaba húmedo y fangoso después de la lluvia.
grow – The plants grew tall in the garden.crecer – Las plantas crecieron mucho en el jardín.
hard – The rock was too hard to break.duro – La roca era demasiado dura para romperla.
heat – The intense heat made it difficult to work outside.el calor – El calor intenso dificultaba trabajar afuera.
hill – The house is located on top of the hill.la colina – La casa está en lo alto de la colina.
hole – He dug a hole in the backyard to plant a new tree.el agujero – Cavó un agujero en el patio trasero para plantar un árbol nuevo.
horse – She loves to go horseback riding on the weekends.el caballo – Le encanta montar a caballo los fines de semana.
hot – It's really hot today, I'm sweating a lot.calor – Hace mucho calor hoy, estoy sudando mucho.
ice – She put some ice in her drink to keep it cold.el hielo – Puso hielo en su bebida para mantenerla fría.
insect – An insect is on the leaf.el insecto – Un insecto está en la hoja.
island – The tropical island was a perfect place for a vacation.la isla – La isla tropical era un lugar perfecto para unas vacaciones.
lake – The lake is deep and clear.el lago – El lago es profundo y claro.
land – He owns a piece of land in the countryside.el terreno – Posee un terreno en el campo.
light – The sun provides light for all living things on Earth.la luz – El sol proporciona luz a todos los seres vivos de la Tierra.
lion – The lion is known as the king of the jungle.el león – El león es conocido como el rey de la selva.
monkey – The monkey climbed a tree.el mono – El mono trepó a un árbol.
moon – The full moon was bright and beautiful in the sky.la luna – La luna llena era brillante y hermosa en el cielo.
mountain – Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.la montaña – El Everest es la montaña más alta del mundo.
mouse – A mouse ran across the floor.el ratón – Un ratón corrió por el suelo.
natural – The park is a natural habitat for wildlife.natural – El parque es un hábitat natural para la vida silvestre.
nature – Nature is full of beauty.la naturaleza – La naturaleza está llena de belleza.
need – We have a great need for clean drinking water.la necesidad – Tenemos una gran necesidad de agua potable limpia.
noise – The noise from the construction site woke me up early.el ruido – El ruido de la obra en construcción me despertó temprano.
ocean – We sailed across the ocean.el océano – Navegamos a través del océano.
park – The children play in the park.el parque – Los niños juegan en el parque.
pet – My cat is my favorite pet.la mascota – Mi gato es mi mascota favorita.
pig – The farmer has pigs on his farm.el cerdo – El granjero tiene cerdos en su granja.
pine – The pine trees in the forest were tall and majestic.el pino – Los pinos en el bosque eran altos y majestuosos.
plant – Her garden is full of beautiful plants.la planta – Su jardín está lleno de plantas preciosas.
pollution – Air pollution is a serious problem in the city.la contaminación – La contaminación del aire es un problema serio en la ciudad.
protect – It's important to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.proteger – Es importante proteger tu piel de los rayos dañinos del sol.
rain – It looks like it's going to rain today.llover – Parece que va a llover hoy.
real – Is this offer too good to be real?real – ¿Es esta oferta demasiado buena para ser real?
recycle – Please recycle paper and plastic.reciclar – Por favor, recicla papel y plástico.
rise – The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.subir – El sol sube por el este y se pone por el oeste.