Our first lesson in the English-Spanish Basic Course is designed to introduce you to essential vocabulary related to Body, Health, and Nutrition. 🍎🏥💪 Let's explore how this lesson can enhance your Spanish language learning journey.
Master Key Spanish Vocabulary: Body Parts, Health Terms, Nutrition
This comprehensive lesson encompasses crucial vocabulary related to the human body, health, and nutrition in Spanish. From "el cuerpo" (the body) to "saludable" (healthy) and "la comida" (the food), these terms lay the foundation for everyday conversations about health and well-being in Spanish-speaking environments.
Engaging and Contextual Spanish Learning
Polyglotic’s approach involves contextual learning, where each Spanish word is not only translated but also used in sentences. This method deepens your understanding and aids in memorizing words effectively. For instance, learn how to discuss health topics like "la dieta" (diet) or "el ejercicio" (exercise) in Spanish, crucial for anyone looking to live or travel in Spanish-speaking countries.
Interactive and Motivational Learning with Polyglotic
Polyglotic courses are designed to keep you motivated. Our AI-powered, realistic voice-overs make learning Spanish enjoyable and effective. Each lesson is an opportunity to progress in your language skills while staying engaged and inspired.
Start Your Spanish Learning Journey Today
Embark on your Spanish learning adventure with Polyglotic and discover the joy of learning a language in a way that fits your busy lifestyle. Our "Body, Health, and Nutrition" lesson is just the beginning of a journey that promises to be as rewarding as it is enlightening. With Polyglotic, you’re not just learning Spanish; you’re opening doors to new cultures, experiences, and opportunities.🎉
¡Vamos a aprender español!🌟🎧🌍
This lesson consists of 4 parts in total. Two of them are available at Spotify.
Vocabulary list
Here you are provided a word list for two parts of this lesson.
English word & example sentence | Spanish word & example sentence |
age – Wisdom often comes with age. | la edad – La sabiduría suele llegar con la edad. |
alive – The patient is alive but in critical condition. | vivo – El paciente está vivo pero en estado crítico. |
ankle – She twisted her ankle while hiking in the mountains. | el tobillo – Se torció el tobillo haciendo senderismo en las montañas. |
appearance – She takes great care of her appearance. | el aspecto – Cuida mucho su aspecto. |
apple – An apple fell from the tree. | la manzana – Una manzana cayó del árbol. |
arm – He broke his arm while playing football. | el brazo – Se rompió el brazo jugando al fútbol. |
asleep – He fell asleep while watching the movie. | dormido – Se quedó dormido mientras veía la película. |
avoid – I try to avoid eating too much junk food. | evitar – Intento evitar comer demasiada comida basura. |
awake – She was wide awake and ready to start the day. | despierto – Estaba despierta y lista para empezar el día. |
back – I hurt my back while lifting a heavy box. | la espalda – Me lastimé la espalda levantando una caja pesada. |
banana – She ate a banana for breakfast. | el plátano – Desayunó un plátano. |
bandage – He wrapped the bandage tightly around his finger. | el venadaje – Envolvió el vendaje firmemente alrededor de su dedo. |
bean – I made a bean soup for dinner. | la judía – Preparé una sopa de judías para cenar. |
beard – He decided to grow a beard during the winter months. | la barba – Decidió dejarse crecer la barba durante los meses de invierno. |
beef – She cooked a delicious beef stew for dinner. | la carne de vaca – Preparó un delicioso guiso de carne de vaca para la cena. |
biscuit – I had a cup of tea and a biscuit for breakfast. | la galleta – Desayuné una taza de té y una galleta. |
blonde – She was a blonde girl. | rubio – Era una chica rubia. |
blood – He donated blood to the blood bank. | la sangre – Donó sangre al banco de sangre. |
body – She has a beautiful body. | el cuerpo – Tiene un cuerpo precioso. |
boil – She boiled some potatoes for dinner. | hervir – Hirvió unas patatas para la cena. |
bone – The skeleton is made up of bones. | el hueso – El esqueleto está compuesto de huesos. |
bottle – I need to buy a bottle of water. | la botella – Necesito comprar una botella de agua. |
bread – I love to eat bread for breakfast. | el pan – Me encanta comer pan para el desayuno. |
break – He broke his leg by accident. | romper – Se rompió la pierna por accidente. |
breakfast – I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast. | el desayuno – Tomé un tazón de cereal para el desayuno. |
butter – Can you pass me the butter, please? | la mantequilla – ¿Me pasas la mantequilla, por favor? |
cafe – I usually go to the cafe in the morning to get a coffee. | la cafetería – Normalmente voy a la cafetería por la mañana para tomar un café. |
cake – She made a chocolate cake for her husband's birthday. | el pastel – Hizo un pastel de chocolate para el cumpleaños de su esposo. |
can – She opened a can of soup for lunch. | la lata – Abrió una lata de sopa para el almuerzo. |
candy – I love candy, especially gummies and chocolate. | el caramelo – Me encantan los caramelos, especialmente los de goma y el chocolate. |
care – The doctor provided excellent care for her patients. | el cuidado – La doctora prestó unos cuidados excelentes a sus pacientes. |
carrot – I love adding carrots to my salad. | la zanahoria – Me encanta añadir zanahorias a mi ensalada. |
chew – He likes to chew gum while he works. | masticar – Le gusta masticar chicle mientras trabaja. |
chin – He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. | la barbilla – Se frotó la barbilla pensativo. |
condition – My body is in excellent condition. | la condición – Mi cuerpo está en excelente condición. |
contain – The bottle contains 500 ml of water. | contener – La botella contiene 500 ml de agua. |
cook – She likes to cook dinner for her family every night. | cocinar – Le gusta cocinar para su familia todas las noches. |
cookie – Would you like a cookie with your coffee? | la galleta – ¿Quieres una galleta con tu café? |
corn – The farmer harvested a large field of corn. | el maíz – El agricultor cosechó un gran campo de maíz. |
cough – She started to cough and had to leave the room. | toser – Empezó a toser y tuvo que salir de la habitación. |
cream – I love putting cream in my coffee. | la crema – Me encanta poner crema en mi café. |
cup – She poured the hot coffee into a cup and added sugar. | la taza – Vertió el café caliente en una taza y añadió azúcar. |
curl – She curled her hair with a curling iron. | rizar – Se rizó el pelo con un rizador. |
curly – She has beautiful curly hair. | rizado – Tiene un pelo rizado precioso. |
cut – She cut the cake into slices for the guests. | cortar – Corta la tarta en porciones para los invitados. |
dead – The plant is dead because it wasn't watered. | muerto – La planta está muerta porque no la regaron. |
deaf – My grandfather is deaf. | sordo – Mi abuelo es sordo. |
delicious – This pie is absolutely delicious, would you like a slice? | delicioso – Esta tarta está deliciosa, ¿quieres un trozo? |
die – The old man died peacefully in his sleep. | morir – El anciano murió pacíficamente mientras dormía. |
diet – She is on a strict diet to lose weight. | la dieta – Ella está siguiendo una dieta estricta para bajar de peso. |
dining – We will be dining at that restaurant tonight. | cenar – Esta noche cenaremos en ese restaurante. |
dinner – What's for dinner tonight, Mom? | la cena – ¿Qué hay para cenar esta noche, mamá? |
disease – The disease spread quickly. | la enfermedad – La enfermedad se propagó rápidamente. |
dish – Can you please pass me the dish of spaghetti? | el plato – ¿Me pasas el plato de espaguetis? |
drink – I would like to order a drink, please. | la bebida – Me gustaría pedir una bebida, por favor. |
drug – Some drugs can have harmful side effects. | el medicamento – Algunos medicamentos pueden tener efectos secundarios nocivos. |
ear – His ear hurt after the loud noise. | el oído – Le dolía el oído después del ruido fuerte. |
eat – What would you like to eat for dinner? | comer – ¿Qué te gustaría comer esta noche? |
egg – I like my eggs sunny side up. | el huevo – Me gustan los huevos fritos por un lado. |
eye – She has beautiful eyes. | el ojo – Tiene unos ojos preciosos. |
face – She washed her face with soap. | la cara – Se lavó la cara con jabón. |
fat – He needs to exercise regularly, as he has become too fat. | gordo – Necesita hacer ejercicio regularmente, ya que se ha vuelto demasiado gordo. |
fat – Too much fat in the diet can be unhealthy. | la grasa – Demasiada grasa en la dieta puede ser poco saludable. |
feed – The mother bird feeds her young with worms and insects. | alimentar – La madre pájaro alimenta a sus crías con gusanos e insectos. |
fever – She had a fever of 39 degrees. | la fiebre – Tenía una fiebre de 39 grados. |
fill – She filled the glass with water. | llenar – Llena el vaso de agua. |
finger – She accidentally cut her finger while chopping vegetables. | el dedo – Se cortó accidentalmente el dedo mientras cortaba verduras. |
fit – He stays fit by exercising daily. | en forma – Se mantiene en forma haciendo ejercicio a diario. |
flu – She caught the flu during winter. | la gripe – Cogió la gripe durante el invierno. |
food – I am hungry. Let's get some food. | la comida – Tengo hambre. Vamos a conseguir algo de comida. |
foot – She hurt her foot while playing soccer. | el pie – Se ha hecho daño en el pie jugando al fútbol. |
fork – Can you please pass me the fork so I can eat my dinner? | el tenedor – ¿Me puedes pasar el tenedor para que pueda comer mi cena? |
fresh – I love the smell of fresh bread in the morning. | fresco – Me encanta el olor del pan fresco por la mañana. |
fruit – She ate a banana, which is a type of fruit. | la fruta – Comió un plátano, que es un tipo de fruta. |
garlic – The recipe called for two cloves of garlic, minced. | el ajo – La receta pedía dos dientes de ajo, picados. |
grocery – They went to the grocery store to buy food. | la tienda – Fueron a la tienda a comprar comida. |
hair – She combed her long, curly hair. | el pelo – Se peina el pelo largo y rizado. |
hand – She held my hand as we walked. | la mano – Sostuvo mi mano mientras caminábamos. |
head – He hit his head on the door. | la cabeza – Se golpeó la cabeza con la puerta. |
headache – I have a terrible headache. | el dolor de cabeza – Tengo un dolor de cabeza terrible. |
health – Good health is essential for happiness. | la salud – La buena salud es esencial para la felicidad. |
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Continue Your Polyglot Journey in Different Languages
Take your language learning to the next level. If you loved our Spanish course on Body, Health, and Nutrition, you're going to enjoy it even more in 🇩🇪 German [here].